Dance Floor Hire Was approached by Reddam House Tokai for Their Grade 10 social dance. They had a beautiful setting and a great spot to set up a Checkered dance floor which complemented their theme.
We were let in by security and directed to the venue. It was easy to transport the dance floor down the ramps to the hall. This dance floor was quick and easy to set up because it was not on grass. Grass requires an "undertile" for the uneven surfaces , so this may take longer to set up and a tad more expensive. It took about 45 minutes to set up and after giving the floor a little shine, we were on our way.
We enjoy coming to events and seeing the different settings, this makes it possible to explore our different styles of dance floors that we offer. Let us know your event needs and see our styles which suites you best.
We had fun and it seems so did the Grade 10 pupils of Reddam House Tokai.
Leigh-Ann (who rented the dance floor from us) wrote : 'Thank you Adam for your great service this week!"